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End of Week 6 - To Boldly Go...

Good news! We have been making strong choices! We have been making bold decisions! We have been making... an absolute utter mess of our rehearsal spaces. But we have a plan... a very hastily and suspiciously motivated plan, but a plan nonetheless! And so I present to you: Our very confusing yet suspiciously fruitful and intelligently through out rehearsal brain-puzzles.

Have you ever wondered about how you present yourself to the world? Some theories state that you have three modes of self: How you see yourself, how the world sees you, and who you really are. With the rise of INTERNET accessibility we project our ideals of ourselves through TINDER profiles and other such dating platforms (POF i'm looking at you!). But how can we really know whether the ideal someone presents is really them? Tinder can be a scary place when you can never really know ANYTHING about who you are talking to. What lies do we tell ourselves on a daily basis? Well luckily for you, we will attempt (and an attempt it shall be!) to decipher these questions and provide hilarious outcomes!

But then what about our actors?! Aren't they just pretending to be someone else on stage pretending to be someone else on Tinder whilst not doing very well at being these people in real life? Suddenly the world became a much larger place so we all decided to go for coffee and let our frazzled brains rest for the week. But perhaps this has given some insight into our process for this week; in short, a lot of thinking... but also a lot of hilarity!

In other news we are still committed to our use of popular culture and still desire to create a wonderful bonanza of entertainment for you VIA THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MULTIMEDIA. But for now as we begin blocking we need to strip it back to one 'plot' line at a time and then layer it back up. So ultimately there may be nothing to report for a while but until then let's keep keep venturing forth. In the words of William Shatner we are "to boldly go where no man (woman, or sex doll) has gone before". Until then enjoy these wonderfully soothing overtones.

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